Aicn vient de lancer la rumeur et pour une fois celle ci semble bel et bien possible. A croire que Rambo 4 a donner des idées à pas mal de mondes. Les papys ne sont pas encore mort. Une source d'aicn laisse planer l'éventualité suivante:
“I recently advertised my 1974 ford grand torino classic
original for sale in the local here, and within 24 hours had someone
from Village Roadshow Pictures interested in having a look at it. He
came. He wasn’t interested for numerous reasons (probably the
modifications). He told me they were looking for the right car for a
new Clint Eastwood movie.
He said it was a thriller about a killer that drives a certain torino. His 1972 Ford Gran Torino is the only thing the police have on him. A retired police lieutenant, one Harry Callahan, makes it his mission to track down the culprit when two young police officers, one Callahan’s grandson, are shot and killed by the guy.”
En gros a 78 ans Clint Eastwood sortirait de sa retraite pour chasser un tueur en série, le tout en étant Harry Callahan. Perso j'achete si Clint est aussi derrière la caméra. Wait and see mais ca sent bon !