Plus besoin de présenter les Wachowski Brother et ce qu'ils sont capable de faire avec une caméra dans les mains. Le cas écheant la trilogie Matrix est la pour vous le rapeller. Speed Racer avait tout pour sentir le paté et au final les premières images sont à deux doigts de casser la baraque. Vous avez pourtant encore besoin de vous convaincre que ce film a de grande chance d'êrtre monumentale? Ok lisez ce qui suit...
“You’ve heard of kung-fu–and there’s plenty of it in Speed Racer–but how about car-fu? “[The brothers] realized that real racing wasn’t what they were after,” says Muhen Leo, an effects supervisor. “So the idea of cars fighting one another came about early on. The idea is that drivers have such elaborate control over the cars that they could do kicks and spins and hit each other.”
Because the actors weren’t really racing, they were plopped instead into hydraulically-controlled cockpits that would bob and weave in real time along with what the cars were supposed to be doing on screen. “We gave the directors a joystick that would allow them to simulate other cars bumping into them,” says Leo.
Je sais pas pour vous mais moi je commence a avoir une legere hausse de tension ^^