Depuis quelques semaines la rumeur courait que derrière le nom de code Gran Torino se cachait le 6e volet des aventures de Dirty Harry. Les fans avaient commencer a s'exciter sur le sujet ( moi compris) et au final la nouvelle vient de tomber. Tout le monde étaient en fautes. Gran Torino n'aura rien à voir avec Dirty Harry 6, loin de la même... Il s'agit plutôt d'une sympathique comédie sur le passage de flambeau entre un ado a problèmes et un vieil ours mal luné que jouera sans doute Eastwood. La feuille de casting ainsi que le synopsis viennent d'apparaître en ligne. Les voici ( Attention c'est entièrement en anglais) Enjoy!
Feature Film
Warner Brothers
Producer: Clint Eastwood, Rob Lorenz, Bill Gerber
Director: Clint Eastwood
[TAO VANG LOR] A 15-19 year old Hmong (Southeast Asian) boy, Tao is
slight, with long hair and long lashes, but he is very good looking,
like an Asian Johnny Depp. His father is dead, and he lives in the
house next door to Walt, a house full of women who disrespect him
because he has no inner strength and resilience. A boy who would rather
be a bookworm and be left alone, he’s pressured to join his cousin’s
street gang, and he’s brutally humiliated when he tries to steal Walt’s
Gran Torino. Intent on making amends to Walt, who has been befriended
by his sister Sue, Tao works for Walt around the house for two weeks —
and in the process, earns a smidgen of respect from Walt for his
stoicism. Very protective of his family, and desperately in need of a
male role model, Tao is pleasantly surprised when his odd friend pays
him back for his labor — by helping Tao get both a job and a
girlfriend. When Sue is raped by a pack of Hmong punks, Tao wants to
get revenge — but Walt decides to carry that burden himself alone.
[SUE] Tao’s younger sister, 15 - 19, Sue is smarter than her brother
when it comes to social skills and emotional IQ. A charmer, expert at
using her communication skills to build bridges, Sue is contemptuous of
local gang recruiters, Spider and Smokie — but she views Walt with wary
interest. All too aware that her brother could use a masculine
influence in his life to teach him the basics, Sue gently nudges Walt
and Tao together, hoping for the best, and quite pleased when Tao
acquires both a father figure and a few much-needed callouses. But when
the local gang decides to punish Walt for his aggressive insolence by
kidnapping Sue and raping her, she fears that the two strong men in her
life will die avenging her honor. HMONG LANGUAGE SKILLS A PLUS…LEAD (16)
[F Ashley and Josh. Treated with contempt by his father, who regards
Mitch and his family as yuppie scum, Mitch returns the favor and then
some, ducking his dad’s rare calls and not realizing that when Walt
asserts that everything at home is “fine,” that he’s a bald-faced liar.
He shuts Walt out of his life completely after Walt refuses to go into
a home…LEAD (1)
[PHONG] The grandmother of Tao and Sue, Phong speaks only in her
native language of Hmong. Utterly contemptuous of Tao because he’s
bullied by the women in the house, Phong has an active, blistering
hatred for Walt, the “stupid, hairy white man” who lives next door. A
woman who chews betel juice and spits at Walt whenever he comes into
view, Phong is outraged when Sue invites him to the house. Protective
of her grandchildren in spite of her caustic manner (which precisely
mirrors Walt’s), she knows something is drastically wrong when Walt
asks her to care for his ancient dog. MUST SPEAK HMONG…LEAD (9)
[SMOKIE] The 18 - 20 year old leader of a local gang of Hmong
teenagers, Smokie intervenes when he sees Tao being bullied by some
black kids, and tries to talk Tao into joining the gang. But Tao’s
initiation (stealing Walt’s Gran Torino) is a botched disaster, and
he’s furious when Tao backs out of the gang. Believing he’s being
disrespected, Smokie is intent on punishing both Walt and Tao, and he
begins a war of nerves that quickly escalates. When he opts to strafe
Tao’s home and rape his sister Sue, it’s a declaration of war that Walt
intends to answer alone…LEAD (14)
[VU] The mother of Tao and Sue, this 40s - 50s Asian woman speaks
only in her native language of Hmong. She is profoundly grateful to
Walt from intervening when her son is threatened by Smokie. MUST SPEAK
HMONG… several scenes (27)
[KOR SHUE] This old Hmong man is a shaman, who only speaks in his
native language of Hmong, and who asks to give a reading of Walt’s
character. His reading is painfully close to the bone. MUST SPEAK
HMONG…1 speech & 1 line, 1 scene (49)
STORY LINE: Walt Kowalski is a widower, a grumpy, tough-minded,
borderline-hateful, unhappy man who can’t get along with either his
kids or his neighbors, a Korean War veteran whose prize possession is a
1972 Gran Torino he keeps in cherry condition. Drawn against his will
into the lives of the Hmong family that lives next door to him, Walt
grows increasingly fond of TAO and his sister SUE, and takes steps to
protect them from the gangs that foul his neighborhood with their
strutting presence…
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