Le site Greatwhiteshark a imaginer ce qu'un réalisateur(enfin je crois...) comme Brett Ratner peut bien poster sur twitter quand il a du temps à tuer... la réponse ici. Le pire c'est que ca pourrait être vrai...
A revealing snippet of Ratner’s Twitter stream:
- Lounging at the pool. Drinking tequila. Ordering teenage Asian hookers off the internet.
- Alphabetizing my cologne collection.
- Firing the maid. She forgot to polish the solid gold statue of me in the foyer. Bitch.
- @Candi Thanks for the “massage” today. How much do I owe you again?
- Watching Attack of the Clones. Damn. Just brilliant.
- @christucker Dude. Just had a f**king killer idea: RUSH HOUR 4! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner.
- Anyone seen my assistant? Seriously, I sent him to find me some blow over an hour ago.
- Fresno campus of Devry University just offered me an honorary degree. Who’s stupid now, haters!?
- Fact: Dancers at the Pink Pony give the best head.
- By the way, can anyone hook me up w/ any meds for treating the clap?
Allez je crois qu'en fait je kiffe son second degré décadent. Un peu moins ces films par contre...
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